• help@givetaxfree.org

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Michelle Crabtree, how do we even start to describe her?! She had a heart of gold, a sweet and genuine spirit, a love for people as she never met a stranger. Michelle was always helping take care of others, whether it be family or friends. Michelle recently had cancer and fought her way through by doing chemotherapy. She was determined. She never lost her fight or her smile during this battle, and then it happened. Michelle was in remission! Michelle’s hair was growing back, she was getting her strength back and could even go back into the retail world and start back to work.

Unfortunately, the cancer came back. She was recently diagnosed with neuroendocrine uterine cancer, which is a very fast growing cancer. It’s when the cells turn into tumors and aggressively spread to other parts of the body. Michelle was admitted to the hospital several different times in the past few months.  January 13, Michelle ended up back in the hospital and ended up getting pneumonia. She was septic, her body was aggressively filling up with fluids and the cancer was attacking her body. The doctors thought that they would try dialysis to help relieve the fluid but sadly, they couldn’t get enough fluids off of her. Through this whole ordeal, Michelle still never lost her smile, her faith or her love for God. When anyone came to see her, she always had them pray with her before they left. January 22nd Michelle took a turn for the worst. The family was with her all day on Monday, the 23rd and even talked to the hospital about starting hospice care for her Tuesday. Sadly, Michelle lost her fight and passed away Tuesday at 12:45am. Although we didn’t expect her passing to happen so quickly, we are so thankful that she didn’t suffer as that was her biggest concern.

While working on arrangements for her funeral, we found out that Michelle did not have life insurance and she has a pile of medical bills that are stacking up. We are reaching out for help to pay for those medical bills and funeral expenses. Thank you so much for your prayers, love and support during this time.


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