• help@givetaxfree.org

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We are a nonprofit dedicated to walking with our brothers as help them grow into the Godly Husbands and Fathers God created them to be. We accomplish this through daily inspirational messages and resources to help men learn and grow.

We are raising funds to provide a free conference for men to learn and implement life changing skills. Unfortunately, many of us did not have a Godly Father show us how to walk the righteous path. This conference will be the first in that direction. Our conference will have several men of faith share their journey, their failings and their redemption. A meal and snacks throughout the day will be provided.  We will be providing study material for each man to follow along with and keep as a reference for refresher moments at home.

Paying speakers and providing meals exceeds our financial abilities. If we are able to raise all the costs of the conference then we will not charge any man attending.

We pray this will be the first of many opportunities for us to help our brothers find their path. If all men were to stand up together and be the Husbands and Fathers God called us to be. Our society would no longer be headed in a downward spiral. We would be able to help each generation be better than the last. Along with financial support, we welcome any and all contributions and suggestions.

For the first time, the world is begging to recognize the importance of men taking an active role in their families and as an extended result, their communities. Help us to change lives.


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