• help@givetaxfree.org

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Our brother Ken, despite a healthy lifestyle and being in otherwise excellent shape, has been diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer and will need payment of tremendous medical bills for the foreseeable future.  He has a wife and three children, and is self-employed as a licensed marriage family therapist (LMFT).  His income depends on his ability to meet with and help his patients, and no doubt his battle with cancer will reduce the number of hours he’ll be able to serve his clients.  Consequently we expect his income to drop substantially at just the time he needs it most.  He’s already dipping into his savings and expects the next year’s medical bills to deplete it.

Ken’s done a lot of research on the subject and it appears that Hope 4 Cancer in Mexico offers a fantastic treatment program.  But like everything in life, it costs money and a lot of it.  He has health insurance, but many of the most promising treatment paths are not covered by insurance providers.  It appears the medical establishment in America has some financial priorities that don’t always line up with the best treatment for patients.  Some of their options include chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, all of which come with significant risks and terrible side effects, many of which can be lifelong.  At just 53 years old, Ken has many, many years ahead of him, and of course we want him living them in full health!

So let’s pitch in and help him overcome this newest challenge in the healthiest manner possible!


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