In April of 2024, I was involved in an accident while trying to chase down one of my puppies who had slipped out of the fence. While chasing him, I lost my footing and fell head down on a cement driveway. Unconscious, I am told that I was bleeding from the mouth and not breathing. First responders arrived and immediately loaded me onto the ambulance. Two firefighters joined the paramedics in the ambulance. On the way to the hospital an intubation procedure was performed to get me breathing again. After several days in ICU, I was transferred in to a step-down room and a week later discharged. Throughout all of this, my fiancee never left my side and once at home, she has helped me with just about everything, including telling me exactly what happened. I simply have no memory of the event or the days/weeks afterward. Today, I can get around the house (for the most part) although I am constantly dizzy. Right now, we are waiting to see if my left orbital bone, which was fractured, heals in such a way that allows me to retain my normal vision. Unfortunately, I have double-vision right now which is an indication that surgery will be necessary to allow me to retain my normal vision for the rest of my life.
In 2011 I was involved in a near-fatal automobile accident which left me disabled. I have worked my tail off since then to minimize the long-term impact of my disability. Bills from this latest episode have begun to pile up with many bills yet to come. The out-of-pocket cost could be over $50,000. Because of my disability, my employment options have been very limited, even after a very successful career. I need help and simply do not know where else to turn. The mere thought of asking for help goes against every fiber of my being but through no fault of my own, I’m in a hole with medical bills and the hole is getting deeper each day.
If you find this cause worthy of your giving, I thank you more than I can say. You will be helping a life which will give back to society in many ways. I trust this site which is why I chose to go this direction. They seem to do their homework in a very thorough manner.
If you give, thank you. You will be blessed and you will assist a life worth helping. I’m not finished in life and have many constructive things left to do for others.