• help@givetaxfree.org

Your donation is 100% tax deductible, up to limits set by the IRS. You receive a tax deductible receipt immediately through email.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: The needed funds for Thailand DID NOT GO UP, we are still trying to get to $250,000, but a conversation with GiveTaxFree let us know that we have to bump our target goal in order to receive any funds that may come through above the $250,000 mark.

THANKS to ALL who have contributed to help us in this journey!! We are SO GRATEFUL!!

To see what this SPINAL PROCEDURE is and the potential Makayla has if she can get it, check out the link at the bottom of this page…

It was the end of 7th Grade! Sunset, a large bon fire at the back of the property so kids could throw their homework in and watch it burn. A large old tree nearby, used to hold a giant tire swing, and the girls were gently swinging as they talked and laughed together.

A loud crack took everyone by surprise. The tire swing hit the ground, and then the branch landed on Makayla’s head.

The official diagnosis post accident:

C3-A complete Tetraplegic, with no movement or feeling from the shoulder tips down.

But, after about 6 weeks, a small twitch in her left arm started a rejuvenation of hope and something to work on! After 2 years, she is able to rotate her wrist, pull her arm to her stomach, and swing it with the assistance of medical equipment. 

Makayla is accepted to a spinal implant procedure that has the potential to regain some functionality in her arms and legs. This is different from other programs in that it stimulates the spinal cord directly, amplifying the signals from the brain to the body. Unfortunately, this is not covered by insurance.

We hope you will help us get there! We are seeking donations that will be used for treatment, airfare, and any follow-on medical needs. Remaining funds, if any, will be deposited into a special needs trust to help Makayla with future expenses.

THANK YOU for considering our cause!!

Makayla is sweet, determined, and keeps smiling, even through the hardest days. We LOVE our girl and KNOW she still has so much FIGHT to give!!

For more details on our story, please visit our Caring Bridge at:


To learn more about this procedure visit: https://veritaneuro.com/ 



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