• help@givetaxfree.org

Your donation is 100% tax deductible, up to limits set by the IRS. You receive a tax deductible receipt immediately through email.
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Melissa’s recent MRI has revealed that unfortunately she has cancer spread from her surgery site. Of course this is unwelcomed news BUT those who know Melissa do know how resilient she has been each and every day of the last several years of this cancer battle. She is in good spirits and is ready to tackle this unfortunate new development head on. This fundraising platform is being made available by a non-profit organization that assists people in need like Melissa to meet their lifesaving medical and related expenses and they will provide you with a donation receipt for tax purposes upon completion of your donation here.

I am still learning about this platform but I am very grateful to have found it to be able to put it into motion to help Melissa raise enough funds to cover the costs of her housing, transporation and cancer treatments in California. If you have any questions at anytime, you may reach me directly at Kellykadams1999@gmail.com

I will post updates as soon as they are available. If you have Melissa’s contact info, she’s happy to hear from you.

Thank you for donating here and then sharing with others and asking them to do the same. If everyone does that, we will reach our goal. THANK YOU!! – Kelly


Please share this campaign on social media so that others can help and make donations.