• help@givetaxfree.org

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I am writing to you to ask for your prayers for our beloved friend “Rita”*.  Our family has been blessed with the opportunity to share our little home with Rita and her two precious daughters under the age of 5 during these recent weeks.  Rita has been in an abusive marriage and is in the process of seeking mental, physical, and financial protection for herself and the girls. The details are complex.    Rita is a very gifted nurse. Her salary exceeds the limit of those women who qualify for free legal representation, but her financial situation has become very dire due to the tragic actions and choices of her husband, and the subsequent consequences that affect Rita & the girls.    In addition to your spiritual support, I am humbly asking you to consider supporting Rita materially.    Rita has been blessed with a very good lawyer, however, the funds for the first retainer have been completely drained, and the lawyer has asked that the next $5,000 retainer be given immediately in order for her to be able to continue moving forward in the representation of her case.  Rita has no financial means to pay this fee.    On behalf of our beloved friend, Rita, I humbly ask that if you (or anyone you know), feel moved to financially assist her in this moment of profound need….I know that she would be simply brought to her knees in gratitude. We are praying for the gift of God’s Divine Providence for her spiritual and material needs.    Most importantly, we thank you for your spiritual support for Rita, and her husband’s soul. Please pray that his soul will be set free from interior torment through the power of Jesus’ life-changing mercy and love.    Thank you and God bless you. If we exceed the $5,000 goal of this fundraiser, the money will be used to help pay back the first $5,000 retainer loan.   *(For our friend’s safety,  her name has been changed in this testimony. We are trying to take  precautions for her protection, due to the unpredictable behavior of her husband.)  


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