• help@givetaxfree.org

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hi my name is crystal, and im trying to raise money for help to fix our house up. we finally have electricity after months of living here without it. from the help of friends that have put their own time and money into replacing the old wiring that was a fire hazard. this house was in such bad shape and it was very discouraging but its home and we are grateful to be here.

our house was damaged from the hurricane that swept through Raymondville and our region about two years ago. little by little i have been buying and putting time and effort into repairing this house into something livable. we started with the roof by replacing the damaged wood and beams then i was able to get black paper to cover it all. I don’t have shingles yet, hopefully the black paper lasts long enough to give me time to put the shingles on.

i grew up in this house and i raised my daughters in this house as well so it is a very special place that is the only place we feel safe.

the money would be used to purchase sheetrock , insulation , and the rest of the siding that we have been slowly replacing small section at a time.

I know these are hard times for everyone right now and i understand if people can’t help us, im grateful to you all for taking the time to read this. have a good day, and god bless


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