Hey All,
I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’ve seen what good can happen when people come together.
My uncle Johnny has spent all 48 years of his life chronically ill. He had a double lungs transplant in 1998, since then he has been on a ton of anti rejection meds that had made his bones paper thin. Due to injury in 2016 he had to leave his long time apartment and move into a nursing home (at 40 years old!) Johnny never asks anyone for anything, but as his health is rapidly declining and he’s been in and out of ICUs, he’s been unable to get around in his manual wheelchair anymore, were hoping to raise money to give him a potential last summer or however long god grants him to stay with us, of freedom- the ability to be mobile is something we all take for granted & it would mean the world to him to be able to buzz in and out of the building and enjoy some sunshine and trails AT HIS convenience as we all know how understaffed nursing homes have and can be.
(this is not an expense his insurance will cover)
Anything that is beyond what the exact chair he decides upon will go to making an unforgettable summer for him.
Thank you all SO much, I will update with pictures as we work to make his dream come true!
When his journey comes to an end, we will be donating the wheelchair either to a person in need or a non profit organization.