Jennifer’s car accident was on Dec, 2, 2014. Her left front tire went onto the shoulder of the road & in her startled reaction, she jerked her steering wheel to the right & lost control of her vehicle. She was on life support until mid Feb. of 2015. Due to a spinal cord T7 burst fracture. she is paraplegic. She cannot control movements or feel anything below her ribcage. Our brain communicates with our spinal cord telling our bodies what to move & how to take care of itself. Due to her spinal cord injury. her brain can no longer communicate with her spinal cord from her T7 vertebrae & below & it’s causing a lot of health problems. Blood clots, pressure ulcers, kidney failure,many surgeries on her kidneys, chronic UTI’s & multiple infections that require IV antibiotics. I have posted information below so that anyone who wishes to can see quite a few of her medical records. She has spent 90% of the past 7 yrs in the hospital or a nursing home. She can no longer do many things for herself such as getting in & out of shower, make her bed, push a grocery cart, drive a car etc…. She also cannot use the restroom on her own. She has a catheter & her bowels have been routed to be expelled from her stomach. Jennifer has 3 boys. Bryce was 18 at the time of her accident. Buck was 12 & Trent was 7. Jennifer feels like her boys have suffered the most. I have heard so many of the struggles that her boys have experienced that she could not be there for them for. If Jennifer is not able to get the surgery to repair her Spinal cord injury. She will be lucky to see her 50th birthday. Please help this family get their lives back together. There are not even words to say that will express how much we thank you for any help that u can give. Will everyone who reads this please scroll to the bottom of this screen & click on your social media site, you will be taken to a page that will allow you to post a message above her fundraiser. then you scroll to the bottom again & click on post. God Bless You & Thank You So Much. To view medical records:, username- Jennifer4194, password- jenw31302., username- Jennifer4194, password- jenw31302., username-Jennifer4194, password- Jenw31302&