• help@givetaxfree.org

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It’s a beautiful day out my window. I hope everyone is well today and can get outdoors.

If you’ve ever faced health challenges, then you know that life is a precious gift and any day you experience vibrant health is a blessing. I’ve recently received a breast cancer diagnosis, which is heartbreaking news. I can’t do chemo or radiation, so I’d like to travel to an Integrative Medical clinic which is not covered by health insurance. The clinic has a high success rate, and I am confident that this is the right approach. The treatment will give me a chance to fully regain my health and live with dignity. The costs for this approach are substantial, as are the travel and lodging for a five-week stay. No retired person I know can afford these costs. 

I wish that our country recognized this more comprehensive approach to cancer, then insurance would cover it and more people could afford the treatments they need. In Europe they call this treatment Biological Medicine, and it is standard of care in Germany and other countries, but not in the US. I’d be grateful for any small donation to make this treatment possible. I’ve just finished my first novel and would like to be here to see it out there in the world. I also have family to take care of and would like my strength back so that I can continue to help others.

Integrative Clinic   – $ 90,000.00

Travel Costs for Two –    600.00

Five weeks of lodging – 7,000.00

Total Costs              $ 97,600.00


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