I hate to ask other for help, it is not how I was raised! But I was involved in a auto wreck that left me with three vertebrae in my neck and four vertebrae in my lower back, huintended. As well as my right leg has been so messed up, I have to walk with a cane. It has caused me to not be able to stand for more than four to five minutes at a time. The lawyer I used did his job so badly that I am stuck with a bit over 13,000 dollars. I can’t afford to pay that as I am a disabled veteran and live on a 1330.00 a month pension. This only covers my bills per month, and sometimes not even that. I am also a senior citizen of 69 years of age, that has no help with his living expenses. I would be blessed if I can pay off my medical bills, I can\’t afford to be sued for them, because again it would take away from my being able to pay my normal bills. So, I would like to take the time to thank you now for your help to me. “It asked me to use a total amount of words of 250 words. I can’t think of much more to say about the medical bills that accorded from the accident”. So, I would like to thank you again I would like to thank you very much for your helping me out with this matter.