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Today, on Thursday July 11, 2024 Joaquin ‘Kino’ Novella passed away from Congestive Heart Failure. He was a second generation Northern California Soccer Coach whos father is in the California Hall of Fame for bringing the game of soccer from Mexico City, Mexico, and who helped prepare and sell, for the first time ever on the market, his parents invention of ‘Wine Coolers’ at the Sonoma County Fair in the North San Francisco Bay Area, which helped fund the ‘North Bay Soccer Leauge’, as well as being a former Actor in the Napa filmed Hollywood flick ‘A Walk In The Clouds’ starring Keanu Reeves, who became friends with Kino on set during the filming. He leaves behind a son, a daughter, grandchildren and many other family members who will forever remember his will, courage, and strength to survive through his several years long battle with heart faliure. He coached childrens soccer leauges for many years while serving the local Healdsburg community from being a DJ for many events enents from scool dances to weddings and parties. He was well loved by his parents, family and friends, always bringing joy to his kids and grandkids on the holidays and family gatherings. He will be remembered most by his attention and time to his family and his dearest friends.

In loving memory Joaquin Santos Novella 01/09/1960 – 07/11/2024

Kino’s wishes were to have a service and viewing at St. Johns Catholic Church in Healdsburg. With your genorsity we hope to make this possible. Our most appreciation goes out to all who donate. Thank you.


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