Hi, this is Brenda. She’s been through a lot already in life. Her dad(RIP) was her heart, and her world. He got sick, and was in, and out of the hospital doing dialysis, and he also had diabetes. She was close to her dad, and at age 10 yes he passed away. She asked her mom why her dad left her, and even wondered if it was becoming her. Then she grew older, and her mom re- married her step dad who took her under his wing, and raised her as his own. He also died in 2019 of pancrecsncer, another loss for this woman. She’s working full- time 40 hours, and 2 hours of overtime to try to stay afloat, and survive the Covid, and the pandemic, and then her vision becomes blurry, and she begins to loose her vision while at work, and she can’t see that good. She’s new to the job, and started 5/28, and it’s 7/30 so she hasn’t even passed her 90 day probation, no PTO, and doesn’t qualify for FMLA. She needs to work to survive, and can’t time off from work, because then it’s no pay. She talks to the 24 hou nurse with her insurance, and tells her that she’s looking her vision. The nurses tells her to call 911, and go to the hospital right away, because she could be having a stroke. Brenda calls 9-1-1, the ambulance comes, and takes her fo the hospital. Her blood pressure is 260 plus/170 which is a possibile heart attack. They give her an IV, and she’s poked more than 5, or 6 times, because her veins are small. The thing is Brenda has a phobia hospitals from seeing her dad in, and out of the hospital. Seeing that as a little girl is traumatic. Fear begins to creep in. They admit her, then put her in the ICU. They’re running CT scans, echocardiograms, ultrasounds, drawing blood blood to test to see what’s wrong with Brenda, so they can save her life. They managed to get her blood pressure down, but keep her for observation to monitor her heart. They put a device on her heart to track the heartbeats. While there Brenda begins to worry about work on Mon. They keep Brenda from Monday to Weds. They then release her, and prescribe 15 different medications. It turns out Brenda also has to do eye treatments do to the high blood pressure, and diabetes. This consists of injections in the eye, and laser eye treatments. Here comes the bills. Luckily, Brenda has insurance, but they don’t pay everything. Brenda receives bills that the insurance doesn’t pay, and remember she was barely getting by, before she got sick, and ended up in the hospital. She does qualify for medicaid, because she makes to much, and works, but can barely get by. If you read this, and you have compassion, and the heart ❤ to help Brenda. Then please do. She’s in her 40’s, a woman who is always happy, and positive, and who likes to uplift, and encourage other, and if she has it will help others. I’ve seen her down, wjere she was depressed, and now she fights each day to conquer high blood pressure, and high blood sugar so she can live to see another day. Thank you for your tome! Blessings!