• help@givetaxfree.org

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This is a last resort for us.  We are up against a lot of opposition right now and need help form everyone and anyone.  We are overwhelmed with numerous situations that are beyond our control and God is instructing us to ask for help.  My husband and I are going through some severe medical issues which is having a ripple effect on everything.  My husband has narcolepsy and was displaced from his employer because they would not accept his physician’s requested accommodations to continue in his position with the company.  He’s been applying and interviewing and still no income coming in.  We desperately need help with funding to just maintain our household and health.  I will be having another total knee replacement on Monday 6/24 and will be out of work for at least three months.  I will not be receiving regular income until I return to work.  These circumstances are beyond our control.  If you know us personally, you know that we are God-fearing people. We’ve lived with integrity for our family, but now we cannot even provide food for our family.  I go to foodbanks for our food supply and have applied for food stamps and have not received any updates yet.  We would NEVER do this if we knew we could handle all of it on our own.  WE are up against way too much with our medical issues and basic living expenses.  The medical bills are into the thousands now, not including the upcoming surgeries and medical expenses.  We are not going to give up!.  We are also looking for legal advice.  If anyone can help by representing us with some legal issues because of all this, please help us.  We appreciate any donations.  The funds will go to our out-of-control expenses and to help us pay our bills while I’m recovering so we don’t lose our mobile home and vehicles.  These funds will not be used for fun or misappropriated, they will be used for our bills and medical issues to get us through the month to month battle of life we’re going through right now. If you have room in your heart to give or simply pray, please help us.  We bless you in the name of Jesus for your care and consideration.


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