• help@givetaxfree.org

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Sam was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma on 12/21/22. At the time, he was suffering from excruciating back pain, which he thought was caused by lifting something heavy at work. After weeks of conservative treatment, he was finally given an MRI which revealed lytic bone lesions and ultimately led to the diagnosis. He had several fractured vertebrae and was suffering from an acute kidney injury.

Multiple Myeloma is a blood cancer that forms in the plasma cells. There is no cure, but it is treatable. Sam began treatment almost immediately after diagnosis. His initial treatment was an immunotherapy/chemotherapy combination followed by a stem cell transplant. He had his transplant on 5/24/23.

Unfortunately, after 16 months his cancer returned. He is now in the process of receiving CAR-T therapy. This is an amazing new treatment in which they harvest his t-cells and send them to a lab to be altered. At the lab, they are manufactured to fight myeloma cells. Once the manufacturing process is complete, the cells will be returned to Sam so they can do their thing. If successful, he will be in remission again, and hopefully for a very long time! The treatment, however, is a little daunting. He will be in the hospital for about a week, followed by a month of very close follow-up at the clinic, and he won’t be allowed to drive for 60 days. We are uncertain if he will be able to work during that time due to potential side effects of this treatment.


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