Hi I was diagnosed with large cell squamous carcinoma in the left lung another form off adenoid carcinoma in the right lung and they found a lesion on my pelvic – unfortunately no one wanted to do a biopsy due to the location and felt that complications could set in but they are of the opinion that it is bone cancer, Due to the lesion it fractured my pelvic which for the most part healed. I have undergone a course of chemo and radiation to the left lung and pelvic. They are holding off on the right lung – My chemo doctor is going to begin a course of immunotherapy starting Monday – the problem is that I have to work to make ends meet. I was fortunate that I have been able to find a job a couple of years ago to work remotely – the problem is that after this first course of treatment it was placed a heavy toll on my body – very tired and coughing very hard – the attorney I am employed with is now getting very nasty with me and accusing me that I am not doing my job – I tried talking to him (he claimed to have COVID – disappeared a couple of weeks). Twice I came down with pnenomia and ended up in the hospital for three days – and now he tells me that I cannot get sick!!!!!!! I do not have any type of savings and of course, short of receiving social security which does not even make by rent of 2400. per month – my check is 1676.00 0 let along electric, food, etc. Is there anything out to help supplement my income