• help@givetaxfree.org

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Greetings To All,

I am here trying to make things work out the best I can. My fear was of losing my wife who is my life. I was so afraid that she would not make it. She is currently getting all the medical attention needed. They said her heart is failing and she has other issues. With that being said she will need full time assistance and I will stand by her always. Right now with every thing going on in the world and then also with her needing me I will have a hard time trying to provide. I am always willing to work but this will be a time of great need so please if you can donate anything. When she comes home I will need to provide for her a home food and what ever she may need to get well again. Please understand this is temporary with me not being able to leave and go to work. I pray she will be able to get well God knows. So for this time I am asking that anyone who can will help me with financial help and prayers. Anything will help us right now so thank you ahead of time. Much love and God bless you all!


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