I have always taken pride in whatever I embark on in life and living. But I have somehow ALWAYS encountered hurdles. Nevertheless, I do not give up. I tried joining the Military as an officer, the Dr. at MEPS rejected me and had me sign papers that I would never enlist in any military service. I tried having children. I spent money and time. I ended up with sever preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome. I bought homes to help pay for my endeavors. the people closest to me and tenants watches my pocket and no what I was doing for them and myself–even when I gave them breaks; they left me worse than I was when they were helped and supported by me. I married an opportunist that gave all credit to his sister, when I helped him and his family. I divorced him. Others came along and behaved like lounge lizards, all through covid and also let alcoholism take us through a slippery slope of where I am now. I did end up in a motor vehicle accident around 5:15 in the morning on the coldest day–November 2nd–with black ice on the ground. … The long, short of thing is that I need funds to help me save and keep my house that is housing people, (that is not a program), but would otherwise be indigent and homeless. the loan company is waiting things out, but not affording me the opportunity to make larger payments to catch up. Of course, the system is geared toward increasing fees and getting more bang for the buck when one is in crisis. I am screaming UNCLE. My sister lost her house (about $35,000; and is homeless at 56 years young) after she was swindled by a person that she hit in the back, while going out of her way to take someone to work with mental and medical issues. The person hit feigned severe injuries in court and led to her losing her house…. Anything you can support me with beyond what I need to catch up, so I would share with or give to her (she also needs a car). This is not a woe is me. this is I know I am licked and need to ask for help. Enough people have told me “You are always doing something to help other people, when are you going to do for yourself”. I am humbly asking for help–especially that I can continue to overcome my obstacles that would make another wallow. Thank you.