• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hi everyone my name is Chris I’ll get straight to it I’m 42 and not able to work anymore. I served 25 years on the ambulance service until my back injury I have 13 herniated discs and suffer from PTSD. The Lord has given me the voice to sing and I’m asking for a little help to get started. I take care of my 72 year old mother and can’t afford a big enough karaoke machine that I can take to parks, churches, and nursing homes. I know this is what the Lord wants me to do plus it will help Mom and I financially. I have gone and sang at 2 churches now and I have blessed a lot of people but they all are telling me I need a bigger machine. I’m a very good person who just wants to go all around and sing for the Lord. I know this is my calling if you can PLEASE help me do this not just for me but for the Lord as well. Thank you, and God bless. I’m trying to get my disability however, it’s taking forever. We live off my mother’s SSA which is not much but the Lord gives us what we need to make it. I just love to sing and praise the Lord. You all are welcome to go to my YouTube channel. I sing on there.I have been singing all my life. My dad passed away 3 years ago and I wish he was here to help me. I know he would be proud of me and what I’m trying to do.


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