• help@givetaxfree.org

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On July 11, 2022 my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 terminal prostate cancer which had spread to his bones and lymph nodes. He has cancer in his l4 and L5 which makes it difficult for him to be on his feet for longer that 30 minutes and he struggles just walking through a grocery store.

In 2022 my husband was given 3-5 years to live. That was almost 2 years ago. We have applied for every program there is. His SSI was denied because the income limit in $1515, which is surreal to me. How can anyway live off of that amount. His SSDI was denied because his job for 25 year was a professional painter and he was an independent contractor so he didnt receive enough work credits to qualify. We have been going through that process for awhile so that was a blow to our family.

We have a child who is about to be 13 and living on my income but we have bills that are piling up and we just need to get back to even so we can maintain what we have.

We have spent countless days just in the last 3 months going to doctors appointments, having MRI’s, bone scans and injections. It has been very wearing on my husband and has taken a toll on our finances because I have had to take a lot of time off work. I am having to  humble myself greatly to post this.

This campaign will help our family pay off the current debt we have and have a fresh start.


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