My name is Helen and I am a mother of four children and friend to many from church, homeschool co-op, and others I meet. I have been diagnosed with stage II Lung cancer metastasizing to my bones. I am approaching this diagnosis ready to fight but with a holistic approach. I want to care for my whole body while being treated for cancer. For that, we have chosen to attend a facility in California and Arizona that has an integrative, holistic approach to treating cancer while supporting the rest of the body. Unfortunately, insurance does not cover all of these expenses. I am asking for support to pay for the treatments not covered, lodging.
Your donation supports my healing journey with my family – it also keeps me around for our ongoing and future brilliant creative collaborations. I am going to need some extra love and financial help; there is no easy way to ask. Every little bit will be greatly appreciated and will help tremendously. Since we are scrambling to navigate these rough waters and time is of the essence, we felt the need to get donation links set up quickly.
With your help, I’m looking forward to a bright and healthy future. From the bottom of our hearts, my family and I thank you for your kindness and generosity.