• help@givetaxfree.org

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Dear Donor Community, Friends & Family:

We wanted to provide an update on Maria. She has found a car to purchase via private party, however, she still needs a bit more support to pay for it. We updated the amount to reflect what is still needed to complete the purchase.

We would like to invite you to pause and check in with your heart and see what you feel to give towards this cause. Every bit helps.

With Deep Gratitude,
Art & Katt


Dear Family, Friends & Donor Community:

My wife Katt and I (Art), are creating this fundraiser to help our dear friend and sister in Christ, Maria Pena, buy a used car; her car was recently stolen. Maria is employed, she has part time home job and a full-time delivery job. Her car was her main tool for creating income. She’s been borrowing cars from neighbors when able, so that she can continue to pay her rent and bills; that doesn’t leave much room for saving.

I’ve read many of the campaigns, we honestly don’t have many words to say, other than Please Help.

Maria is a devoted lover of God. A true worshiper, intercessor and prayer warrior. She has had an intense journey that has stretched her beyond her understanding. She has walked through so much, living on the edge of faith day-to-day for so many years. Daily choosing to trust God’s promise to provide. We all know that God works through people like all of us.

Our hearts broke when we heard the news that someone stole her car. You see that car was a gift to her. The car she had for 15+ years died and God promised to give her a car, and now someone has taken it. It was found but it was not repairable. Then they charged her $490 to junk it.

The amount we are hoping to raise will be used for purchasing a used car for her, (car, taxes, registration.)

We ask that you pause and feel into this invitation and see how much your heart would like to give in support of our sister and friend. From our own experience, we believe that Maria is definitely good soil to sow seeds in. She is kind, honest and a great steward. We know you will be blessed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this fundraiser campaign. May you and your families be blessed in all that you do.

Art & Katt

This is Maria preparing for flag worship.


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