• help@givetaxfree.org

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I was officially diagnosed with Squamous Cell cancer on my tongue in July, 2023.  Although, the first symptoms showed up in May, 2023.  It took almost three months to find a competent doctor willing to take necessary steps to diagnose the cancer.  Since then the struggle to find treatment has gotten even greater.  I do not have insurance, and it seems that no one is interested in helping if you don’t have insurance.  I’m not blaming anyone but myself.  I chose to not get insurance because it cost too much and paid for very little.  I gambled that I could make it to Medicare age eligibility, but fell about 18 months short. I was able to find an Oncologist on a cash pay basis. at least for consultation and referrals.  As of the time of this writing (October 7, 2023) I have spent over $6K for various tests and office visits. The cancer on my tongue has spread and I am in constant pain.  I have been able to consult with ENT surgeons who believe surgery is very necessary, unfortunately, they won’t do it because I don’t have insurance, and because of the ACA, I can’t even sign up for insurance until November, and insurance won’t be in effect until the following January.  I was told, surgery, hospital stay, and all associated care would total at least $300K.  As of now, since no doctors or hospitals are willing to help, I have no choice but to wait until next January and hope the cancer does not spread to other parts of my body.  Writing this, hoping for a miracle.


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