• help@givetaxfree.org

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Corliss has been battling COPD for two years and her condition has worsened. She is not able to breath properly on her own, so she is on an oxygen machine.  She has elevated heart rate and blockage and high blood pressure, and the Doctor’s are trying to keep it stabilized.  She has been in and out of the hospital and doctors office for the past 2-3 weeks. She is currently in Baylor Mckinney Medical Center awaiting tests that she needs for further treatment.  Corliss does not have medical insurance, so, she cannot get the needed tests. If Corliss does not get the recommended test needed, her doctors cannot give her the proper medical treatment and attention. Please help Corliss raise the money ASAP to get the medical tests that she needs for further treatment and diagnosis. Thank you in advance for your prayers, donations and support.


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