We are looking to bring William Home, here is our story On November 28 2022 William had aortic surgery, and when surgery was completed the following day the Dr. realized he could not feel his feet, then toes, legs, and chest. We were now dealing with irreparable spinal cord injury on top of recovering from the heart surgery. After a month in the Hospital he was moved to Mt Sinai for rehab, but when he got there, a strike happened, and then moved to the Bronx VA spinal cord unit where I am still today. I have been in hospitals for over 7 months, and finally, I am getting ready to come home. My family has been raising money to modify the home, and I will also need a modified van to get to and from the Hospital; at 65 years old, this is something I never thought would happen to me. I am a Grandfather to six great-children and a husband and father. I have worked my whole life to find that I now have a new normal and must ask for help from others which is so hard to do, but my goal is to be home with loved ones.