UPDATE:: Beverly as made it through surgery. She is resting in ICU now. lets rally around her show her our love. Help her take care of her little family that has blessed us all in her service.
UPDATE:: want to thank the people who have given. We are almost half way there. Can we get one more push as Beverly enters the hospital. She will be gone away from her daughter for 30 days. that will be enough stress. Lets take the last half of this off her to. We all know it hard being a single parent add health issues to it to. Is just unfair. Thank you and God Bless.
Hi my name is Kink. My wife and I live in Eatonville Washington. We would like to tell you about some one very special. Her name is Beverly Morris. Beverly has been our little hero and I know many others in the community. She is a single Mother of a beautiful teen girl. That seems to be following in her Moms foot steps with a big heart and willingness to serve. I first meet Beverly and her little girl when they were feeding the homeless in Tacoma. I believe they were with a group called Lend-A-Hand. Beverly was working very diligently on her teaching degree. When her daughter fell ill and ended in the hospital with several surgeries. When Beverly could she returned to work putting the last few months of her schooling off so she could rebuild her savings. Then covid hit whipping her completely out. During covid Beverly lost many people including her Mother. Beverly kept going and helping her community. Giving Bible studies to who ever would except. My wife and I got involved with a big scam and we lost all our life savings. Beverly and her friend Tina found out and was bring us food during the covid. Tina passed with cancer. But still every week we see Beverly Blue little car coming up the drive way totally full of food. Never knew how she fit so much in there. Never could stay long cause she always had more people to give it to. Through covid She has been willing to help wear ever possible at Gods pantry or in the community. She has helped people clean their business out that had to close. She has taken me and my wife to doctor appointments when ever needed, I never had the gas to pay her, She always said, “ That ok Kink God will supply.” During the covid Beverly has dealt with her roof linking and as she was using buckets to collect water she would said, “ That ok Kink God will supply.” I have watched it. Her Daughter has dealt with life threatening health issue during covid. Now Beverly is dealing with cancer. She will be going into the hospital at the end of January for a surgery. She has found out she has few other health things to deal with to, She needs to be able to rest during recovery without stressing about the bills. She says “ don’t worry Kink God will supply” I am asking friends and family to please help me raise 2 months of income for her. She doesn’t like go funds cause cost that goes with them. I also would like words of encouragement through this tough time if you can pray for her or send her a card. Thanks Roffer