• help@givetaxfree.org

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Some of you may know our story with adoption, some of you may not. We adopted A and her older brother from foster care here in Colorado in 2016, when they were 5 and 7. When A’s brother was 10, we discovered he had been assaulting her and sent him to live at a therapeutic boarding school, where we maintain limited contact with him to keep the rest of our kids safe. Over the past nearly 10 years, A has worked hard to overcome her early trauma and form a relationship with us. She has made amazing strides, but as she has entered her teenage years, we’re discovering that early trauma is catching up with her. She recently received a concerning diagnosis and we have decided together as a family that the time is right for her to enter an intense therapeutic program to get her that last mile of healing. We found a Christian, therapeutic place for her that has an incredible track record, and A is eager to attend. Unfortunately – though not surprisingly – this amazing place comes with a hefty price tag. Through the years, as we’ve had to move A’s brother to increasingly more expensive placements, God has always provided the funds we need, and we are stepping out in faith that he will do so for A as well. We’re predicting she will need about 20 months to complete her therapy, and it costs $9500 a month for her to attend. We are asking if you would consider donating to help us meet this cost. We appreciate the prayers, conversations and support many of you have provided over the years, whether you choose to donate now or not. Please join us in praying that A will be able to achieve the connection, wholeness and happiness she’s struggled all her life to find. If you want to pass this request to your own circle of friends who are interested in helping foster and adopted kids, we would be grateful – we need all the help we can get!


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