• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, my name is James Rodriguez.

I’m 64 years old father of 4 children, the youngest is 15 years old. I have 5 grandchildren as well. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer stage 3. I had been having issues for 2-3 years prior to my diagnosis but unfortunately, my doctor at that time missed it?  So I decided the best course and highest survival rate was to remove it. So that was my course. Had the surgery, prostate removed but unfortunately, it had spread outside of the prostate. So had some lymph nodes removed, a surrounding gland, and a sphincter muscle removed.

I’m blessed to say that I am currently in remission, almost 2 years now! I am back at work; full-time but the last two years have been difficult trying to keep up with day-to-day living expenses. Have been in the hospital two more times after my first surgery.

Lost my Mom in January to Covid after 7 days in the Hospital has added an additional cost burden to me and my family with her funeral expense! Social Security only gave $250 ?? and she only had a small life insurance policy of $3000.

I’m Thankful I still have a job, even though my salary was reduced by $3000 for 2022 and going forward due to budget cuts and we also will no longer receive bonuses. I was counting on that to help pay for new windows I had installed in my house in August of 2022. My house id old, built in 1937 and still had the original windows so I decided to have them replaced at a cost of $24,000 thinking I could use my bonus to finish paying them off? I also had 3 implants, currently in process at a cost of $9000 also started thinking that I would get my bonus and a good IRS refund.

I have always been the giver in my family and have never asked anyone for anything in return. Even this feels very awkward!

Thank You for your consideration.



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