• help@givetaxfree.org

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I literally thought I was going to have the best year this year. Things seemed to be going great and then my whole life changed in the blink of an eye. They called me to come back after my normal routine mammogram. I laid in bed not wanting to go because deep down I knew something was wrong. Within one week I had 4 mammograms, ultrasound, biopsy, and was supposed to MRI. Week 2 I was sitting in a surgeon’s office, radiologist’s office, and oncologist. Suddenly I was on a roller coaster that I didn’t ask to ride and there was no way off. I have had to make some difficult decisions while trying to process all the emotions that come with it. I remember opening the breast cancer book my navigator gave me and seeing the pages of women that had mastectomies. I dropped the book and cried for hours. After seeing that I decided to take the least invasive and the least expensive route. I have since two lumpectomy surgeries with positive margins. Sadly, I still have cancer and am now facing a double mastectomy next week. Now I am taking the route to hopefully save my life. This has turned my whole life upside down. Somedays I catch myself being the Mary I was pre cancer life. The happy carefree Mary. Those moments disappear because this walk, I am facing is so overwhelming. For one my body is going through changes and that is a grieving process in itself. I am looking at the ones I love wondering how much time I really have. Then there is the stress and financial burden that is so heavy. There are so many bills and copayments and not to mention all of the things necessary for my recovery. If you have read this all the way through and you find it in your heart to donate, I greatly appreciate it and if you are unable to give even just a prayer that is appreciated too. Love, Mary


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