• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hi there. My name is Mandy. I am a 43-year-old single mother of two. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in June of 2023.I underwent robotic surgery within a week of diagnosis to remove the tumor. I have been going through treatment ever since. I have been unable to work due to the effects of treatment and was forced to give up my job. I have not been able to secure any employment at this time. My bills are getting behind and I may be forced to put my home on the market to eliminate debts. My family has done everything they can to help but are unable to sustain my situation. I have a 14-year-old son going into 9th grade and a 12- year-old daughter going into 8th grade. As they grow, their needs grow and for the last year it has been extremely difficult to meet any of their needs. I have reached out to every charity organization in my area but do not qualify for most given the fact that I own my home.  Any assistance is most appreciated, even if the assistance is just a reference for employment. Until my diagnosis, I was working toward starting a massage therapy practice and worked for a local cardiology office. Needless to say, ALL of my plans came to a halt when this diagnosis came into play. With all this in mind, I still feel so blessed to be amongst the many survivors of this horrible disease. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support. We are forever in your debt!!!


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