• help@givetaxfree.org

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Greetings to all.

We are setting this fundraiser up for our father of seven and a Tata (grandfather) of twelve grandchildren. Our father was diagnosed with aggressive stage four B-Cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer May of 2024. He has been in and out of the hospital throughout the year as doctors were attempting to figure out the severity of the cancer. He has been through one phase of aggressive chemo which has failed as the cancer has spread to all parts of his body. Our father has always been a hard worker and prideful in how he earns his living. As his stage 4 cancer is progressing and doesn’t seem to slow down, our father’s ability to work has ended therefore can no longer provide for himself and our mom. The doctors have completely stopped our dad from working anymore as the plan for his treatment is to perform a CAR-T transplant, with hopes of our dad surviving.

Our dad is the coolest, funniest, and loving bear of a guy. Through thick and thin our dad  has been our rock, the one who brings us together and guides us through our hardships of life. We love him with all our hearts that we are not ready to say goodbye so soon as we have many more years and memories to make.

Thank you all for taking the time to read a small glimpse into our father‘s life. We would appreciate any support or words of encouragement through these difficult times.

Respectfully yours the Ramirez family


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