My daughter’s car was shoved into by flood waters May 24, 20224 and has not started since. The car is unusable at this point.
This has caused severe problems and is causing medical appointments and testing to be canceled or rescheduled. We are trying to work out a way for the next appointments in a few days.
My daughter walks to the grocery store once a week and finds another way home with groceries Her days at work have been cut down to two a week, because transportation costs here $35 a week for those to two days. She has switched to online schooling, otherwise she would have to drop out. Trips to the pharmacy for medications have been complicated and costly.
She has been taking care of her disabled sister who suffers from a severe seizure condition and takes four different kinds of seizure medications a day. Three of those medications are taken twice a day. She has been hospitalized several times. Amanda has a nebulizer and other needs.
The bus does not stop near our home and Amanda cannot be out in the heat. Heat brings on seizure and her medication make her more susceptible to heat. I am disabled and cannot walk far and have a torn meniscus. The bus also does not run on weekends past afternoon in this area.
Being able to repair this car if possible or use uber would be a lifesaving blessing. The heat can kill Amanda. As it is she will have to remain in the house until fall. Amanda has been out one time and I have not gone anywhere since May 24th
My Va check pays most of our rent. What Amanda gets is for her medical care utilities and other needs. Alisha is filling in the rest such as food and transportation. etc. The girl’s dad passed Jan 31st from cancer, so he is unable to help us
God Bless and thank you for reading this.