• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, I’m here today to ask for help for my Baby brother Terry Dixion. On Saturday, July 20Th, his house caught on fire and destroyed nearly more than half of the property. This house was left to him by our Late mother and holds great sentimental value to our family. This is one of the last few things left to us by our mother, we’ve had this house in the family since the 70s-80s. The fire left a huge hole in the ceiling and destroyed a great portion of his personal property. This fire was started because of faulty wiring due to the age of the house. He currently is trying his best to clean up the aftermath and restore the property to its original form. He has been in and out trying to salvage what memories and valuables he has left in his home. So far, he has been able to clean up some debris and has been waiting to hear back from the fire department on further steps from here. We, as a family, have been doing our best to help out as much as possible. To salvage our mother’s home for us, is to save generational traditions and a lifetime of memories. This house is a bit older, and with the damages done, the price for repairs has surpassed our limits. If you can find it in your hearts to help us out, we would appreciate it deeply, anything helps. We have a goal of 10,000 to start with but any amount is better than none and we are so thankful! Any amount would be greatly appreciated, and we thank you in advance for all of your support and donations. God Bless <3


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