Hello and thank you for visiting my campaign. My name is Deborah and I’m 62 years old. On 9/16/22 I received a diagnosis of Uterine Cancer. I was (and still am to some degree) in shock. No one wants to get this type of news. My oncologist said I needed a hysterectomy. So, in November I had the full hysterectomy and am currently on leave from work healing from the surgery. The pathology report came back with Stage 1A and Grade 1. It’s been caught very early. The protocol for this early-stage cancer is no chemotherapy and no radiation. At this time, I still do not know if it’s due to excessive estrogen or something else, but I should find out next week at a follow-up with the oncologist. While I’ve been very fortunate that the cancer was caught early, I am in a financial crisis. Currently, I live in Arizona where unlike California (where I used to live), there is no state disability. My funds are dwindling as I’ve used most of my savings. It’s humbling to even have to create a crowdfunding page to ask for help but ask I must. The donations will go towards help to pay for January rent, food, bills, general household needs, and transportation costs for upcoming medical appointments. If you are able to make a donation in any dollar amount, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, I accept all positive prayers, healing, and thoughts. Thank you for taking the time to read this.