Hi, My name is Delores Chaney. I am 57 years old and have purchased a vehicle in 2015 for the purpose of earning through Uber and Lyft. I started with Uber in Denver, CO and all things were going well. I later began driving with Lyft and things were much better and I am no longer affiliated with Uber.
My Mom and Dad are located over the mountains in Grand Junction, CO. They are in their 70s and having health problems. They are both retired. I felt the call to go over and try to assist them, they had room for me to be able to live comfortably. I also thought that it would be pretty easy to obtain work there; my family is pretty well known in the community. (I had recently been laid off from a 10 year duration at a hospital in Denver. I was in research that lost it’s funding and our department was depleted). Jobs are VERY hard to come by in Grand Junction, I am finding. I would be working Lyft, but they are not set up here yet. I have had the opportunity to work temporary jobs, but nothing to sustain living and a pretty steep car note. I am presently unemployed, but still looking.
I am now behind 2 car payments, and I just can’t lose my vehicle. It is a means of transportation for more than just myself. I am trying desperately to find the means to keep things afloat, but have come to this juncture and am asking for help.
I have recently become a victim advocate for the Mesa County Sheriffs Office. I love helping others and have found some niches that I would love to make advances into employment in and try to make this world a little nicer to live in.
I am trying this as an option to assist me for now. Please, could you be my angel from God? Thank you so very much for your kindness. May the Lord return the blessing 100 fold.
Thanks again, much appreciation….