• help@givetaxfree.org

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I will try to keep this short and to the point as it is hard enough for me to actually ask for help.  After the 2 years of volunteer work from the Matthew and Irma hurricanes, I was rewarded with loosing access to my boats and scrambling to find a new home for my son and I.  I spent some time working carpentry and then ended up getting extremely sick with covid which gave me a wonderful round of long covid that left me too exhausted to get out of bed.  It also turns out my family has a genetic heart defect which I happen to have and the covid kicked off leaving me even more exhausted with lots of hospital visits and I spent a year barely able to leave the couch. Followed by a car accident where i was rear ended by a truck that wrecked my spine and prevents me from getting up for more than 20 minutes at a time without punishing me for it with awful back pain. My mom, daughter and son in law have been supporting me through this whole series of unfortunate events but money for all of us is running out, bills are piling up and a lot of my stuff has been left in storage in Florida which I’m unable to get to or afford to have shipped up north where I’ve been for the last couple years living my kids and son in law.

Any assistance would help me with getting food for my son and I, preventing my phone from getting cut off, paying storage so i don’t loose everything i have stored, keeping my car insurance paid and fixing the car so i can continue to go to medical appointments until i can get some form of disability. If I can get enough then having my storage shipped up here so that it stops being an unnecessary expense. Anything over that would be used to pay back my mom, daughter and son in law for everything they have scrapped together to keep me afloat this long.

Thank you for your time reading this and any assistance would be beyond appreciated.


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