• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, I’m Jess I’m a Lesbian woman that’s been with my gf for ten years, I hate even writing this, but my health is declining rapidly, and my heart can’t take it anymore and I can’t live in my house anymore due to harassment, mental anguish and abuse from neighbors which has made my health decline significantly. I just want peace especially since I’m a lesbian and they can’t accept that so they continuously harass us on a constant scale. The man records us by lighting us up on camera every time we go outside staring out windows at us and parking right in front of our window, we had to get security cameras because of him. We can’t even go on a walk in piece, I can not even go outside due to constant harassment from these people because I’m with a girl and they don’t like it! They block all parking so if I needed to be taken out for my heart condition it would be nearly impossible. I just want to be able to move out and have somewhere safe to go a house that I can have peace and quiet at with no one judging me based on sexual orientation being able to go outside without being taped and watched and being able to control my heart condition without being in stressful situations 24/7. That’s why I’m asking for money for the moving costs, first-month rent, and deposit on a new place, including electric and gas deposits.


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