• help@givetaxfree.org

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“OFEV is the only twice-daily pill approved to: treat adults with a lung disease called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Treat adults with a long-lasting (chronic) interstitial lung disease in which lung fibrosis continues to worsen (progress). Slow the rate of decline in lung function in adults with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD) (also known as scleroderma-associated ILD).”

This is to assist with the upcoming copay for this medication taken by my wife for her IPF.   We have been together for 35 years and we will fight to continue to be together until the end. The actual cost of the medication is over $10,000 per month for the 100 mg dosage; this medication is taken to control the effects of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis for which there is no cure.    This condition was developed in her case due to an African Gray parrot that we had in the house for over 15 years.  There is like a withe powder in the feeders; this is the diagnosis as a result of a biopsy conducted in her left lung in Miami, Florida, 7 years ago.

We have been in this battle for the last seven years; this is a fairly new medication recently prescribed by the pulmonologist.  Anything helps. Our current medical plan as a teacher can only cover so much.  We are seeking different options moving forward.  She is currently on oxygen treatment 24×7.  We are also awaiting the decision from SSI on her disability claim.

Due to her lung capacity currently at 42% it becomes extremely difficult for her to even complete the daily chores around the house.   I am also facing hip replacement surgery here soon, as a schoolteacher, this will have a significant impact on our financials.  The day of my surgery is soon to be determined.


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