• help@givetaxfree.org

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I want to share with you a brief peek into a dear friend’s life. At 30yrs Priscilla was diagnosed with Cloacogenic cancer and was given approximately 5 days to live. She was the 7th patient in the world and doctors asked if they could try treatments in hopes of saving her. She underwent Chemo in-hospital treatment and 5 times more radiation for several months which has left her with many disabilities. 5 yrs later the cancer had traveled to her uterus and she had a hysterectomy that took 7 1/2 hours to complete. I could write a book of all she has suffered her entire life. She is alone with no home or money and is saddened by the hopelessness of her life. She sees so many doctors trying to make her better so she can walk because the radiation has destroyed her spine. She was evicted 1 1/2 years ago because her rent went up $500 a month, which destroyed her credit etc. She is facing the same situation and a home is the best way to go but she is poor. She is alone with no family and I am her very best friend. To hear her story is heartbreaking. She is the only survivor of her cancer that she is aware of. It took 2 yrs to get on her feet. She has nowhere to turn and I can’t afford to help her myself. I do hope this message reaches out to someone who understands the pain she has had to endure her whole life. She needs your help in trying to get her into a home and not endure an increase of $500 a month. A home is security. I want her to stop crying all the time over her situation. I’d like for her to write a book about her life that no one could imagine. She needs a break. Please help her. Her friend Heidi.


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