• help@givetaxfree.org

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Please help my daughter and granddaughter, Christina Cruz and Anaiyah Garcia. They had a fire at their apartment and have lost everything. My daughter Christina is also a diabetic from age 3. She needs help with her medicine. For all my friends, Girl Scout leaders, and other friends involved, please help. We went through this when my kids were little at Washtenaw and Seminary I believe. I know many people throughout have gone through a fire. It is horrible! I never thought this would happen through my family again via a daughter and granddaughter. We are on the northwest side of Chicago. Please give with your hearts as well as much funds you can spare. God Bless You All. Christina is an employee of the Advocate Medical Organization. Anaiyah just graduated in June from GWMS. Oh God! Even her gown is gone. fires are an unexpected and horrible thing that happens. My daughter had a roommate; an older woman who from what I heard is where the fire started. We are not putting any blame, but I am just my daughter and granddaughter are still alive. We thank God for every day we have. Never expecting a fire, flood, anything else to suddenly happen  Let this be an unwanted experience for everybody. Please take care of your precious family. No smoking. Watch fireworks; even sparklers now this 4h of July. Keep each day safe. Please help as much as you can. God be with you. Any help or clothes or things for a 14 year old beautiful teenager will be greatly appreciated. My granddaughter loves make-up and wants to be a cosmotologist? Something to do with makeup.


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