• help@givetaxfree.org

Your donation is 100% tax deductible, up to limits set by the IRS. You receive a tax deductible receipt immediately through email.
Please share this campaign through Facebook and other social media.

Through this campaign you will support my participation in three fully tax deductible 501(c)(3) activities: 1.  The American Lung Association’s 2018 Cycle The Seacoast, a 50 mile charity bicycling event in May in New Hampshire.  http://action.lung.org/site/TR?fr_id=16143&pg=entry 2.  A week-long human services trip to the Children’s Rescue Mission in and around the city of Teupasenti in Honduras.  http://www.crmission.org/ 3.  The American Lung Association’s 2018 Autumn Escape Bike Trek, a 3 day, 160 mile charity cycling event in September in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  http://action.lung.org/site/TR/TreksAcrossNewEngland/ALANE_Northeast?px=6645193&pg=personal&fr_id=16548 My campaign ends June 30th or when my required funding is raised. Thank you!


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