• help@givetaxfree.org

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This upcoming trip will be our longest trip yet (19 days!). We are busy reviewing and revising the training curriculum’s; scheduling with ministry partners; and working out the logistics so that we can accomplish everything that Gods called us to do.

(My apologies; Due to the nature of our ministry and out of respect and privacy for those we serve, names, locations, and other sensitive information has been deliberately excluded)

Our first stop will be with a ministry we have served for several years. This ministry focuses on Justice advocacy, working to rescue, care for, and restore victims of the violence and corruption that is prevalent in Honduras. While there we will conduct training’s for their security team and other staff, focusing on communication, teamwork, and security policies/ protocols. We will also be conducting a class on security strategies and practical methods for young women, so that they can reduce their risk of becoming victims of violent crimes. We call it our ‘Standing Strong’ seminar.

In the spirit of being good stewards of the time, talents, and resources that we have, we will be combining our next part of the trip with two different teams from different ministries. We will be conducting a two day training in the mountains of Honduras tailored specifically to the security teams from these ministries. While there, part of the Ezra821 group will split off and conduct training’s for a third ministry. This ministry focuses on growing and empowering young women to become successful in life. The Ezra team will conduct a first aid training and present the Standing Strong seminar.

After our training in the mountains we will be visiting with another ministry that we have served since our inception. This ministry focuses on helping the communities they serve thru providing child development in various forms to at risk and low income families. We will be conducting several training’s and exercises along with general consulting services. We will also be conducting the ‘standing strong’ seminar to their women staff.

If that wasn’t enough, we will also be presenting the ‘standing strong’ seminar to another ministry who rescues sexually abused and exploited girls. That means we will be presenting too, training, and empowering, over 50 individuals from 4 different ministries in this one trip! Only with Gods strength is this possible!

Would you consider partnering with the Ezra821 ministry as myself and my other two team members embark on this journey?
You can pray for us and the ministries and individuals that we will be serving. Pray that God would bless us with good health and that we would glorify Him in all of our thoughts, words, and actions. Pray that the information and skills that we share with the individuals from these various ministries impacts them and the communities, and ultimately Gods kingdom!
We are also in need of financial support. We have managed to continue this ministry work thru the generous support of our brothers and sisters in Christ and we are always humbled by Gods provision.

If you would like to know more about the EZRA821 ministry please visit our website for more information.




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