Our family needs a car for groceries and doctor appointments. We will be a family of 5 this November. We would also like to get a better paying job but won’t be able to without a car. Our last car was totaled in January by someone speeding off of the highway through their red light and plowing into our car as we were on our way to the pharmacy to get steroids for my daughter’s allergic reaction that sent us to the hospital the day before the accident. We are currently low income and struggling to meet our monthly expenses which cuts into how much food we can afford. We left an abusive situation almost 3 years ago at which point we were at ground bottom and jobless- since then we’ve been climbing up to improve our lives and making progress but still have debt we picked up during that hard time- with various other unexpected emergencies like being out of work while my youngest was hospitaled at a CHOP for a little while, my now husband has medical bills from not having insurance, and needing to file emergency custody custody to protect one of my other children. We would like to be able to continue improving our situation and climb out of this hole. The first step is to buy a car as we currently have not owned one since last January and can’t save for a car in our current situation. Please help our family reach a better future.