Hello friends and family!
For those of you who are not aware, Jillian’s dad, Joe, is currently receiving end-of-life care due to a sudden, extremely aggressive cancer. This came without warning and has happened really fast. Jillian received word of her dad’s illness in July and he is rapidly approaching his final transition. This is a hard loss for her and his friends and family.
Jillian is currently on her way to say goodbye to her dad thanks to the incredible generosity of Jared and Brittney Budd. Although her airfare is currently paid for, she will have some additional large costs related to lodging, food and transportation for her and her partner who is with her for support. Although Jillian is a hard worker, she is young and freshly out of high school, having graduated last spring. As such, she doesn’t have a ton of money for expenses related to unexpected travel to see her dad before he passes.
I am helping her as much as possible but the amount I can provide is not sufficient to meet these needs. Any amount you can donate to help cover her costs would be greatly appreciated. We would also like to reimburse Jared and Brittney as much as possible to help cover the extremely high cost of the plane tickets for Jillian and her partner. You can also send any donations to her through cash app. Please do NOT Venmo as her account is not currently working for some reason.
Your generosity and support of my beautiful child is greatly appreciated. She is an amazing person and deserves the utmost love and support in this hard loss.