• help@givetaxfree.org

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Shayne is 20 years old, and after receiving his 4-month DTP vaccine, he started having 10 seizures a day; he went from saying “DaDa” to blanket stare. At 1 yr old he was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis-Type 1-Tumors on the nerves. He has been through several surgeries, including the removal of 7 fibroma Tumors in the cervical and spinal area, with a Halo and Trach for months.  He had spinal fusion and a hip fused to his spine, he also lost sight in his right eye due to detachment of the retina from a Tumor in his neck going up face to eye. We have tried so many meds, but Focal seizures are not controlled by meds. Despite everything Shayne has been through, he still smiles, loves people, and would I love to help him heal his brain with HBOT-Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, so he can finally live his life as normal as possible, and to retain his learning without losing it to another seizure.

Due to the FDA not approving Hbot for Seizures, insurance will not cover. Working with Oxford Center in Brighton MI to get pre-testing done, but he will need 30-40 treatments, which are 195.00 a visit. I was going to try and finance this, but being a single mom, and my medical condition has almost retired me from working, so income has dropped. It’s my last hope to help rid Shayne of these life threatening seizures, and might get a bonus and shrink the 20 fibroma tumors he still has, and maybe help his retina heal too.

Thank you for reading

Bless you all

Lisa Moore-Mom


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