• help@givetaxfree.org

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Thank You,

For taking the time to read this message. I am 72 years old, retired, and need a helping hand of any size.

Recently my wife and I were living comfortably off social security which came once per month.

That all changed when she unexpectedly had a stroke which created medical bills that were simply overwhelming. As a result, our credit rating dropped down into the poor category which made it impossible to get a loan.

Now recently I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and have to take radiation treatments, as well as chemotherapy shots which have plunged us deeper into unmanageable debt.

I was always taught that God will never put more on you than you can stand. Today I had to go to the doctor again and I was told that I must have a left knee replacement because all of the Cartlidge is gone and I am walking with bone on bone.

I have no idea where a financial blessing will come from, but I know that God will provide and He sends blessings when you least expect it.

Anything that you can provide will be greatly

It seems that hidden bills keep popping up that we had no idea that were coming.

Also, our credit rating has gone down which makes it impossible to get a loan. Your help will give us a new lease on life and help us get better physically and mentally.

If you can help us in any way, ai am sure that blessings will come to you.

Kenneth Golden


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