• help@givetaxfree.org

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As some of you may know, our amazing friend, wife, mother,sister and daughter Lee Anne Blaisdell was recently diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer (HER2 – Positive). Though she has been very private about all the details, there are many medical bills and things that will need to be taken care of that insurance doesn’t cover.

Lee Anne has spent her entire adult life here in VB. She has three amazing daughters that she raised as a single mom (we already know she’s a superhero)!! She has become an ambassador in the running community and qualified for the Boston Marathon. She’s paced at many of the most popular races in the area including full and half marathons. As if all of this isn’t enough, she has been an orchestra teacher for the Virginia Beach city public schools for almost 30 years, winning accolades for her school every single year!! To say she’s amazing doesn’t even touch the story of our dear friend.

Probably the most important event to add to this story is that after many years, she found her soul mate and love of her life,Clif. Well, we met Clif together, but they fell in love almost immediately 😊. He took on her girls, her family and her friends as his own and has been her biggest fan ever since. The highlight to their relationship was when they got married just last summer and have been each other’s rocks ever since!

A little about her diagnosis and our request to help in any way you can. HER2 positive breast cancer is aggressive and can spread faster than other forms. For most people, HER2 positive breast cancer treatment involves targeted therapies – treatments that specifically aim to block the HER2 protein to stop the cancer cells from growing. Patients with HER2 positive breast cancer may receive a combination of treatments that may include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In Lee Anne’s case, all of the above are going to be used. We were not sure how aggressive things were until after the surgery. Now faced with a harsher reality of a longer period of time for treatments and downtime, we would love for her to focus on recovery instead of the stress of costs of treatment or getting back to work.

This page is to respectfully request help for the long road ahead. As we understand both the treatment and other associated costs can add up very quickly, we want to make sure she has the option to take the necessary time off from teaching to rest after treatments or use this towards the many medical expenses ahead.If you would rather donate a gift card or a get-well card, please reach out to me (757-971-0260) and I will happily extend you an address to direct it to.

In lieu of a meal train, feel free to send restaurant gift cards, Uber eats gift cards, etc. We know how strong Lee Anne is and this cancer doesn’t stand a chance!

I ask that for her privacy, you only send this among friends for now. People that know and love her. This is a very stressful time for her and her family so we just want to make sure we acknowledge that.

Love to you all and thank you!!!!

#FightLikeAGirl #IpinkICan #FightStrong #HopeStrengthLove #NoOneFightsAlone #ProtectYourRack


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