My name is Carol Rabey and I am raising money for my mom, Evelyn Rabey. December 15, 2022 mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that spread to her brain. . We were all blindsided by this diagnoses because she was seemingly fine until the day she fell in her apartment and was on the floor for several hours before anyone knew what happened. We were told within a few days that mom’s body was littered with stage 4 cancer that started in her lung and spread throughout her body(8 lesions in her brain, tumors in her lung, adrenal gland, lymph node along with aneurysms that are fairly large as well). Mom was a walker and was pretty active. She loved to get outside and walk. Most days her route took her around town for about 4-5 miles. Now……she can barely walk 40 feet. She loved to read also. She is a huge Steven King fan(not sure why, I think the guy is a little sick and twisted but to each his own I guess, lol).
Unfortunately the end is closer than any of us want or are prepared for. It’s been hard watching the person you love gradually go down hill so much that they are barely recognizable. Someone that all of us kids used to have the ability to have great conversations with now has no idea what day it is or what is really going on from day to day. The amount of confusion going on in her brain is incomprehensible. It is extremely hard to watch cancer literally suck the life out your loved one. Mom is currently in a facility but she will be transferred home in the next couple of weeks so she can be in the comfort of her own home for the rest of her days on this earth. Home-where she will be able to get in wheel chair and sit outside and soak up the warmth of the sun if that is what she desires. Home-where she will be cared for with more expediency, love and compassion of her family. Home-with the comfort of her two cats, and the joy of and sounds of her grandkids at her side, the comfort and privacy of her own room with pictures of the family. With the transfer to home there will be some expenses that our family needs help with such as care giving expenses, funeral expenses(when that time comes), living expenses(food, utility bills, medical supplies, medications, clothing ect).
Mom has always been a very independent woman living on her own and caring for herself. It has been an extremely hard adjustment for all of us having to help take care of her. She loved life and loves her kids and grandkids. She was a very hard worker, working two jobs last year trying to make ends meet because cost of living has skyrocketed out of control. When she was diagnosed with cancer her working career was instantly over.
Any donation will be greatly appreciated. My brothers, sister, and the grandkids have been helping mom with everyday activities of daily living such as showering and cooking meals, paying bills, buying household items like food, bathing supplies, clothing, ect, but our financial well is running dry at this point.
I know and I truly believe that good, caring people still exist in this world. Please help!
Mom is going home tomorrow, 7/30/23, to spend her last days in the comfort of her own home with her family and two cats. The donations that have been received so far has gone a long way but we are still short and medical bills are piling up. Please donate what you can.
UPDATE: 8/15/2023
Mom passed away peacefully in her sleep on August 6, 2023. Please donate so my family can give mom a great celebration of life. Mom didn’t have a life insurance policy and the family is having a difficult time funding a simple celebration of life.