• help@givetaxfree.org

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My name is Stephanie I am soon to be 38-year-old single mom & dad to my children.  I am in college and working for uber delivery and 2 days at a supermarket as a cashier. I’m currently looking for an apartment or house to rent. I am also attempting to find a better job with more hours. I separated in 2016 from kids paternal due to domestic violence both verbal and physical. I have been in a room with them since then. I need the funds to move me and my four children. To get food, furniture and moving expenses plus 2 months rent and security.  I have a 17-year-old, 15 year old, 10 year old and 9 year old. we are all asthmatics my kids have ADHD.  I suffer from anxiety depression and PTSD.  Our doctors say all in one room with two bunk beds is not healthy. We need our own space.  My job gives everyone except me 4-5 days and yes I spoke up. She states that’s all she has available yet keeps hiring and even the new hires get 4-5 days. I’m not saying where to, but I need help I need out asap, I know where I want to go I get a way better job. Any little bit counts. If everyone gives a little can add up and accomplish this. Thank you in advance for your help.  We have been trying NY rent too high for a single mother like myself that’s struggling.


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